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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (or the situation has been explained in an accompanying email to the editors).
  • Author Eligibility: I am a current postgraduate student OR I completed my last postgraduate degree no more than three years ago OR I do not fulfill the normal criteria but have exceptional circumstances which I have explained in an email to the editors. For Guest Contributions, see the information in 'Author Guidelines'.
  • The article is between 3000 and 5000 words and in English.
  • Copyright permission has been attained for the use of any quotations, images etc not covered by fair usage. Authors are required to make sure submitted content does not infringe 3rd party copyright. More information from the Intellectual Property Office here: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/types/copy.htm
  • Referencing: MLA style and the FORUM style guidelines as outlined in 'Guidelines for the Author' have been employed systematically throughout the body of the article and in the Works Cited.
  • The text is spaced at 1.5; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); all notes appear as endnotes at the end of the article.
  • The instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Authors who make a submission to this journal must ensure they have read our Privacy and Consent Policy, and agree to its terms.

Author Guidelines

All articles submitted for publication must be in English and must be manifestly relevant to the theme of the issue for which the article is submitted. Contributions should be between 3000 and 5000 words and should be submitted via email attachment, as a Microsoft Word or plain text document. Along with your article please also send a short abstract and your academic CV in separate, clearly labeled files. All contributions should be formatted according to MLA style guidelines and the FORUM style sheet as outlined below, and should include a 250-word abstract of the article submitted as well as the article itself.

Each article submitted will be peer reviewed prior to publication. Authors will retain copyright of their original contributions, and are free to publish them elsewhere. All email enquiries and article submissions should be sent to: .

N.B. As FORUM is a postgraduate journal we are usually only able to accept submissions from postgraduate students currently enrolled in masters or PhD programmes, or from early career researchers within three years of having finished a postgraduate qualification (unless there have been reasons for a career break such as maternity leave etc).

Each issue also contains guest contributions by more established scholars in the field. Guest contributors are usually invited by the co-editors; however, reserachers more than three years out of their PhD are welcome to email the co-editors with enquiries or proposals for a guest contribution. Guest contributions should also follow the style sheet below.


FORUM requires that the submitted version of your article adhere to a number of particular style guidelines. These are based on MLA style but include a few modifications.

Spelling: UK spellings for all but quotations

Font: Times New Roman

Title of Article Submitted: centred, 14 pts and bold

Author Name of Article Submitted: at the submission stage please ensure your name is not present on the article submitted so that this does not have to be anonymised by the editorial team prior to blind peer review. Do put it in your emails and on the abstract and biographical information though.

Alignment: Left

Size (text): 12 pts

Line spacing: 1.5

Section headings: 12 pts, bold, with a line left before but not after

Paragraphs: indented, leave a line between only if it signals a new section of your paper. (Using ‘First line’ in the ‘Indentation’ ‘Special’ options in ‘Format’ Paragraph’ tabs makes this simple).

All quotations: Use parentheses to indicate your source reference. Include name of author only if not already included in body of text. The same rule applies for the title of the text if you have included more than one work by the same author in your ‘Works Cited’, though the title should then be shortened in your text reference (not your works cited). Always include page number(s) for prose, Act and Scene (i.e. 1.2) for drama, and line number(s) for poetry. If you use more than one page/line, indicate both fully (i.e. 12-13, rather than 12-3). E.g. (Royle 127).

Short quotations: These can be worked into the syntax of your sentence or set off with a colon. Short quotations should be enclosed in double quotation marks and referenced at the end of the sentence.

Long quotations: If more than four lines for prose, three lines for poetry: Start on a new line, and indent the entire quotation from the left. Text size, font, font style, and line spacing to remain the same as rest of paper (i.e. 12, TNR, normal, 1.5 lines).

Translations: Both the original and the translation should be provided, formatted so that the translation comes before the original. The original should be placed in parenthesis. Both sources must be provided. See the following example:

Chaucer's setting is April, the time of "sweet showers" ("shoures soote"; my translation, GP1).

Page numbers: none

Notes: Endnotes, keep as minimal as possible

Works Cited: Please use this term instead of ‘Bibliography’. Place this at the end of the document, not as a separate attachment. Start flush left, and if the entry runs on then indent the subsequent lines (using ‘hanging’ in indentation options in ‘Format paragraph’ makes this simple). Please ensure that the Works Cited page is formatted according to MLA 8 guidelines.


For any other queries on style and presentation please consult the MLA Handbook. There are numerous online guides to using MLA style produced by University libraries which you may find useful. If unsure on a question of referencing sryle after consulting these please do contact FORUM.

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The personal information entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

The University and this journal adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 in regulating how we collect, use, store and dispose of personal data.

Before you make a submission to this journal, please ensure you have read our Privacy and Consent Policy, and agree to its terms.

Updated May 2018